PAUD Orange Islamic School Palembang berdiri sejak tanggal 1 April tahun 2020. Terletak di Jalan Silaberanti No.08. PAUD Orange Islamic School Palembang dibawah Yayasan Rafisqy Arfadhia. PAUD Orange Islamic School Palembang didirikan dengan alasan menyalurkan Zakat dari Klinik Gigi Orange Dental Care Palembang.
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ASRI : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
ASRI merupakan Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk para peneliti, praktisi, dan ilmuwan yang berkonsentrasi dan berkontribusi di bidang Pendidikan agar dapat bermanfaat untuk masyarakat
International Journal Cister
International Journal Cister (Computer Science, Technology Information) is a journal that contains scientific articles resulting from research in the field of computer science and information technology research aimed at researchers, practitioners, and scientists who concentrate and contribute in the field of computer science and information technology research. . The International Journal Cister is published by the Orange Institute in collaboration with the Association for Higher Education in Informatics and Computers in South Sumatra Province and the Indonesian Engineers Association in Palembang Branch twice a year, in July and December.
International Journal Cister is a journal that contains scientific articles on research results in the field of computer science and information technology. Focus and Scope are as follows.
Computer Science:
System Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network, Cloud Computing, Soft Computing, Expert Systems, Operating System, Algorithm, Computer Architecture, Computer Security, Embedded system
Technology Information:
Information Technology, Information Engineering, Informatics Application, Software Engineering, Data Warehouse, Database, Big Data, Computer Network, Mobile Computing, Mobile Application, Computer Systems, Data Mining, Web, Language Programming, E-Learning & Multimedia, Information System, Internet & Mobile Computing, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Internet of Thing, Robotics, Computer Hardware, Information System, Geographical Information System, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Multimedia, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Pattern & Speech Recognition, Image processing, ICT interaction with society, ICT application in social science, ICT as a social research tool, ICT in education